Tips to Focus on Studying for Long Hours Without Distraction
Preparing for long hours became most common thing these days without depending upon productive time. Let’s skim through some of the common aspects and questions which students face or are seeking answers to while preparing for examinations.
Studying for long hours is becoming the norm these days. Something that seems inevitable for students to keep up with the faster go-to competitions and examinations
Students who are juggling studies, competitions, and other life aspects are frequently unable to maintain a balanced life and the importance of a balanced life is quite known to all.
Let’s skim through some of the common aspects and questions which students face or are seeking answers to while preparing for examinations.
What is the healthy study time?
A healthy study time could be very subjective and may vary from one student to another. We all are different and have distinct capabilities, but there are certain things by which you can measure your healthy hours of study time.
While studies are an integral part of student life, there are some aspects of life which you should not compensate with while studying such as:
- Exercising and staying healthy: Remember health is wealth and should always be your top priority. Eating three meals a day and getting around 30 minutes of exercise daily will keep you going well in the long run. Even if it's just walking around the block or doing yoga in your room could do the job!
- Get enough rest: It is often suggested to sleep early or to get a minimum of 6-8 hours per night. But we all know our bodies function differently so instead of following suggestions blindly, understand your body.
Understand when your body functions optimally, how much sleep it needs, and when you can perform at your best. Just remember to give your body the rest it requires. - Socializing with your friends, peers, and family: The studying phase is tough and to keep your sanity, it's always good to share your thoughts/feelings with your parents/family or friends. Trust us, it will take a lot off your head and you will feel much better.
- Take time off: Take time to spend leisurely time on hobbies, shopping, reading for entertainment, playing music, going to a restaurant, meditating, praying, etc.
If you are constantly missing these aspects then it's too much studying and you can get burnout. Study smarter, not harder. Look for ways to use your time more efficiently.
How do I enjoy studying?
Do it in your way. To enjoy anything in life, just start doing it your way.
We all have different things & ways in which we enjoy things, if we align studies with the ways we enjoy things it will become far more fun and easy.
For example: If you like to draw, you could study with infographics or diagrams. If you enjoy long drives, you could take to your favorite place, cover your topics, and then drive back home.
Enjoy spending time with pets? Why don't you teach your pet the topic you studied last night. You’ll do your revision, your pet will think you’re talking to them and this way it will be a lot more fun to revise things.
How do I study for 12 hours straight?

Be calm and try slowly and regularly. In a single day, no one's gonna touch that target. Keep trying. As the saying goes “Rome was not built in a single day”.
But if it’s something you want to pull off there are a few things you can try:
- Have motivation handy, you need that to pull off 12 hours!
- Have your timetable/planner ready, so that you know what all you have to cover
- Studying with friends can help long hours
- Play LOFI music to keep you focused
- Stay hydrated and eat healthy
- Keep your study place well equipped with light
How many hours can a human brain study?
It’s better not to box the human brain! It can pull off a lot more than we can think.
Which time is the best for studying?
The best time to study is very subjective and may vary with each student. But, it always works better when you study after a well-rested mind and body.
What is the 5-hour rule?

By following the 5-hour rule, you devote five hours a week to deliberate learning, or one hour each working day. It means you must dedicate time to learning and development, without getting distracted by other tasks. Learning can take many forms, so getting a mix of these will give you the most well-rounded experience.
- Reading
- Reflection
- Experimentation
- Don’t Confuse Working With Learning
- Focus On Improvement, Not Just Productivity
Know how to use the five-hour rule
Remember to take breaks!
Many studies have shown that productivity increases when students take frequent breaks. Research shows that taking targeted breaks (5 to 60 minutes) from study to refresh your mind and body increases your energy, productivity, and ability to focus.
For purposeful and focused learning, you need to plan your breaks according to your study program. To avoid undue stress before big tests, plan a strategic study day. When creating your calendar, schedule your highest priority tasks—preparing for an exam or completing a work report—for times when you're at your best.
Change is necessary
Spend a few hours on a Saturday morning at a local coffee shop instead of your apartment, or head to the library for a short hour-long class during your lunch break. Sit at a desk or desk where your computer can be set up and comfortable for work. It's best if you can find a place to hide from the noise and distractions, such as a bedroom or study room.
Address the lack of creativity
Boring routines get monotonous and you need to bring more creativity into your life. Simple steps such as changing your room every day can make a big difference in preventing creativity. Rather than going to bed at 11 pm and waking up at 6 am to leave your seat at 8 am, try to sleep in and wake up early (for example, go to bed at 10 pm and wake up at 5 am), and study for that extra hour during the morning.
Just spend time yourself, observe your pattern and remember good students know how to balance work and self-care.
Study hard, take care of your body and mind, and as usual Ace the examinations!
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