How to Overcome Exam Anxiety While Preparing for GATE/ESE in 8 Steps
While it is normal to feel a little nervous during your GATE/ESE prep, leaving your anxiety unattended can cause many problems, even long-standing ones. Here is how to overcome exam anxiety in 8 steps!
You go to the exam hall well-prepared, and once the exam starts, your mind goes blank, your hands sweat, and you feel aloof. If you can relate to this situation, you have experienced exam anxiety. A lot of students end up getting low scores despite working so hard for the exam. This is yet another consequence of exam anxiety. While it is normal to feel a little nervous during the exam season, leaving your anxiety unattended can cause many problems, even long-standing ones. It may adversely affect your confidence and self-esteem. It may even cause health issues.
According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, test anxiety manifests three types of symptoms: physical (headache, dizziness, diarrhea, sweating), behavioural (lack of concentration and proper comprehension) and emotional (anger, frustration and fear).
This article will discuss a few essential but simple things you can do during your GATE/ESE preparation to overcome your exam anxiety.
- As the first step, you must have a good understanding of the GATE/ESE syllabus.
- Create a preparation strategy and a study plan to get the best out of your preparation.
- Strictly follow your study plan.
- Take notes while listening to the online class and reading the study materials.
- Regularly revise the topics you have covered – in a day, a week and a month.
- Do not waste your time scrolling through Facebook or Instagram.
- Make yourself accountable for everything that you do during your preparation.
- Practise online tests and work out previous years' questions regularly.
- Practice memory boosting techniques for better retention of key points, concepts and formulas.
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- Religiously follow the study plan to get benefited from it.
- Regularity increases efficiency, so do everything as per the study plan without fail.
- Even if you are attending an online class, do it as if you are attending an actual class.
- Get up every day at a fixed time, fresh up, have your breakfast and start studying.
- Having a routine makes you highly productive and confident in your abilities.
- Study in blocks with adequate breaks in between to refresh your mind and body.
- Over-studying without taking any breaks will not fetch you desired results.
- During the exam preparation, you might feel detached from the outer world, making you gloomy.
- Talk to friends and family during your break time to avoid feeling disconnected.
- Find some time to do a hobby that you enjoy.

- Ensure that you get a minimum of 7-8 hours of sleep every night.
- Lack of sleep negatively affects comprehension and concentration.
- The brain needs good rest to work better and faster.
- Take occasional naps. It is proven that taking naps after hectic study sessions is highly beneficial in the effective retention of information.
- Keep up an optimistic outlook in whatever you do.
- If you are negative and dissatisfied, it will badly affect your overall performance.
- Never be hard on yourself if you fall behind your schedule or get a low score in a sample test. Making mistakes is completely fine.
- Consider these as opportunities that let you identify your weaknesses and take actions to fix them.
- Believe in yourself and invest in yourself.
- Do not compare yourself to others because everyone has a unique learning style and pace.
- A poor diet can cause physical discomfort and lack of nutrition.
- Do not skip your meals even if you are on a tight schedule.
- Eat nutritious foods that are beneficial to your body.
- Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated throughout the day.

- Allot a fixed time for physical activity of any kind.
- You can do jogging, swimming, walking, cycling to keep your body fit and active.
- Practice yoga or meditation for the wellbeing of the mind and improved focus.
- Practice deep breathing and do it whenever you feel exhausted or nervous.
- Doing exercise has long term benefits. Besides, it is essential, especially during the time of a pandemic.
- Spending some time for self-care has a lot of advantages such as increased self-confidence,
- Specific forms of music can soothe your mind and give instant freshness.
- When you feel overwhelmed after the long study sessions, listen to some relaxing music for some time.
- You can find stress-relieving or relaxing music on YouTube. Play it in the background and see if it helps you.
These are some pre-exam tips that help you fight exam anxiety. Always remember that an exam score does not decide your self-worth. If you work hard, you will be rewarded sooner or later. Stay tuned to get more tips to overcome anxiety during the time of the exam.
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“At the end of the day, tell yourself gently: ‘I love you, you did the best you could today, and even if you didn’t accomplish all you had planned, I love you anyway.” – Anonymous
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