TSPSC Group 2 Preparation Plan Tips & Tricks
TSPSC Group 2 Exam's first and main preparation step is to know about the TSPSC Group 2 Exam Pattern, Written Test, and the second step is to know the topics to be covered for the TSPSC Group 2 Syllabus 2023.
The Candidates appearing for TSPSC Group 2 Exam first and main preparation step is to know about the TSPSC Group 2 Exam Pattern, Written Test, and the second step is to know the topics to be covered for the TSPSC Group 2 Syllabus 2023. In this article, we have discussed the complete TSPSC Group 2 Preparation Tips for each stage to make your preparation easier.
TSPSC Group 2 Syllabus: TSPSC Group 2 Notification has been released. The notification contains all the details related to the TSPSC Group 2 Exam Pattern, Subject-wise Marking Scheme, and Exam Syllabus. One can get an idea about the exam syllabus through the TSPSC Group 2 Exam Notification. Paper 1, Paper 2, Paper 3, and Paper 4 carry 150 marks each in TSPSC Group 2 exam pattern. For more details, go through the following article carefully.

TSPSC Group 2 Changed Syallbus
Out of all four papers, there are minor changes in Paper 2. A lot of changes have been made in Paper 3. There are no changes in Papers 1 and 4. In Part-2 of Paper-2, the earlier 'Constitution of India - New Challenges'... has been changed to 'Constitution of India - Procedure of Amendments, Amendment Acts'. Judicial Review, Supreme Court, and High Court topics have been added to the subject of 'Judiciary in the country'. Women, Minorities, and EWS categories in the special constitutional rules. Women, Minorities, and Human Rights have been included in the National Commissions. National integration, challenges, internal security, and inter-state challenges came as subjects. In paper-3 also many topics have been included in the syllabus in each part. It can be seen in full in the notification given below.

TSPSC Group 2 Preparation Plan
Candidates should pay special attention to Group 2 Paper-4. The fourth paper in group-2 should be given special attention regarding the Telangana idea (1948-1970), movement phase (1971-1990), Telangana formation phase, and emergence (1991-2014).
In particular, as prescribed in the syllabus – important movements from 1948 to the formation of Telangana state in 2014, agreements, mulki regulations, and committees appointed by the central government regarding the formation of Telangana state – and their recommendations are more important and need more attention. In addition, the Reorganization Bill drafted on the occasion of Telangana state formation specifically included items related to Telangana: One should focus on the rights granted to the state of Telangana.

TSPSC Group 2 Books
Candidates should first get complete clarity on the syllabus topics and then choose the standard books according to the syllabus. It is better to select one or two books with all the important moments related to the Telangana movement. Reading academy books are helpful.
TSPSC Group 2 Paper 1 - Concentrate More on Paper 1
Candidates preparing for Group 2 exams need to focus on Paper 1. Paper 1 is a very extensive subject. From local to international, awareness should be increased. All subjects of history, geography, economy, science and technology, and polity that come under the scope of general studies should be mastered. General studies preparation should be done with a focus on topics in the Telangana region. While studying history, along with the history of India, the social, political, economic, and religious conditions of the time of the Satavahanas, Kakatiyas and other dynasties mentioned as the highlights of the history of Telangana should be thoroughly understood.
TSPSC Group 2 Paper 1 - Polity and History
Know about the Constitution, Amendments, and Constitutional Institutions – their functions in relation to Polity. There are a few things that make Telangana unique from this section. However, after the formation of the Telangana state, One should focus on the formation of important institutions, the division of those which are joint institutions in the common state - the powers in terms of administration. Telangana region needs to be given more attention. The geographical conditions of the Region, Crops, Transportation Facilities, National Highways Passing through the State, and Drainage System should be well studied. It is good to prepare for the economy with a special focus on Telangana. There is a need to understand the sectors that contribute to economic growth, especially in the Telangana region. Crops-Yield should focus on all the key aspects mentioned about the region in the latest economic survey.

TSPSC Group 2 Paper 1 - General Science and Technology
To score in General Science and Technology one should study from Basics to Current Affairs. From topics like vitamins-diseases, which are considered basic in books, to the latest space explorations, one should increase awareness of everything. Candidates should read high school-level books and get clear on the basics to master General Studies. After that read the books of bachelor's degree level and focus especially on the special features of the Telangana region. Along with these, reading Telangana magazine for current affairs is very helpful.
TSPSC Group 2 Paper 1
Current Affairs - Economy and Development
In relation to Telangana Group 2, Paper 3 contains questions on topics related to the Economy and Development. So candidates need to understand the latest economic developments starting from five-year plans. Apart from this, attention should be given to issues like the recommendations of the Finance Commission and the NITI Aayog, which has been set up in place of the Planning Commission. Industrial policies, foreign trade policy, and foreign direct investment should be studied.
The availability of natural resources and their contribution to economic development should be studied. Definitions and theories of money, banking and public finance related to the core economy should be known. Also, an understanding of basic concepts like national income concepts, GDP, and per capita income is required. Along with these, the latest developments in the financial sector should also be studied. To get a better grip on the Indian economy, the candidates need to master the Finance Commission recommendations, the latest budget figures, the availability of natural resources, and their share of revenue in GDP.

TSPSC Group 2 Paper 1 - Telangana Economy
In Telangana Economy in Paper-3 itself, one should know about important resources of the Telangana region, areas where they are available, crop – yield factors. Apart from these, it is important to study topics integrated with the latest contemporary topics. Similarly, attention should be given to Telangana's economic policy, development in the respective sectors, and issues like GSDP. Candidates should look at various indicators of the Human Development Index to get a handle on the economy. Statistics of State Economic Survey, State-wise statistics mentioned in Central Economic Survey should be collected and analyzed.
TSPSC Group 2 Preparation Tips & Tricks
Study Comprehensively
Group-2 exams will be objective mode with multiple choice questions. But experts suggest that the candidates should study descriptively during the preparation and gain a full understanding of the respective topics. A topic should be studied comprehensively from definition to latest developments. Similarly, the application perspective should be increased.
Prepare Own Notes
Prepare your own notes as a part of preparation. it is advisable to read and connect the topics common to several papers. General Studies, Current Affairs, International Relations; the Constitution of India, administration, economy, and development should be studied in connection with all these aspects. Apart from this, during the preparation, you should write your own notes point-wise on the important points.

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