How to Set Effective Goals for a Career?

It is really difficult to handle and manage everything simultaneously. Sometimes it is appropriate to take a step back and set goals on a priority basis. Goal setting helps us plan the way. It also sets a meaningful direction for our activity. Individuals' affective ability is associated with setting specific/difficult goals that are achievable within the context in which they are committed. Read this article on how to set an effective goal in your career and the strategy to reach them.

Step 1: Priority Setting

The hours of the day are the same for all of us. The best way to make the most of your time and achieve the successes you desire is to first prioritize your goals. For this, the time management matrix suggested by 'Covey' can be a tool for us. The time squares that form part of it are based on two main themes – namely

Important (tasks that support important/goals)

Urgent (requiring immediate attention)

Through these we can decide the classification of the tasks to be done and what should be prioritized first. It is important to adjust our schedule by identifying how we currently spend our time and where it is more beneficial to spend it. It is necessary to spend more time and energy on activities that actually produce long-term results as well as those that produce short-term results.

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Step 2: Set SMART Goals

SMART is an acronym that stands for proactive goal setting.

Specific: Clearly define the goal and be clear about the action you are taking. A specific goal is more likely to succeed than a general or random goal.

Example: "I must read Current Affairs of this month today" is a more specific goal than "I must study today".

Measurable: It is imperative to create clear metrics for your goal, which will help you monitor your progress. It's easier to measure progress if you make measurable goals.

Example: "I will learn 100 new words every week" is a more specific goal than "I will learn a new language."

Achievable: Choose high-level goals. They should challenge you and not overwhelm you. At the same time, it should also be achievable with sustained effort.

Example: If you decide to get fit, your starting goal is a more specific goal of "walk half a kilometer" than "a 10-kilometer jog".

Relevant: Make sure your goals are aligned with personal values. So that you can work towards goals that reflect you personally. Moreover, they are aligned with the pursuit of your long-term goals.

Example: It is better to aim for an internship that is personally valuable (in terms of skills and knowledge that can be acquired) to you rather than wanting a particular internship (however unsuitable it may be for you) because everyone aspires to it.

Time-Bound: Your goal should have clear start-end dates so that it can be completed within a specific period of time. If there is no fixed period, there will be no desire to do it quickly.

Example: “I will finish one chapter every two days” is a more specific goal than “I intend to finish reading the book”.

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Govt Jobs have become everyone’s target today! Be it Traditional Degree Students or Engineering Graduates. Especially Engineering Graduates have the opportunity to get jobs in central government departments, public sector organizations, and at the state government level in many departments.

Step 3: Determination

Strategic thinking is as important as determination toward goal achievement. Determination can help you achieve long-term goals. Strategic thinking can help you do something effectively, whether the goals are long-term or not”.

"The implication of these experiments is that some people naturally have a strategic thinking style.

According to Edison's "ten percent motivation, ninety percent hard work shows that this strategic thinking approach helps to effectively reach goals while avoiding some effort.

Think about your Personal and Intellectual Strengths

Setting goals can also be a challenge for the most driven, determined people. If you set yourself up to do things that are a little more challenging, you may be setting yourself up for failure instead of success. Spend some time thinking about your personal and intellectual strengths.

Use your strong organizational skills, for example, to create a time management system so you stop pulling all-nighters because of a paper. Or use your strong time management skills to identify commitments you need to cut. So you can focus more on your skills gaining.

Use your strengths to find ways to overcome your weaknesses.

Be willing to Learn

We all want to achieve our goals with a plan. But there may be unexpected obstacles in that journey. Instead of stopping at such a time, you should change yourself according to the situation and move forward toward your goal. Learning new things will help you a lot in achieving your goals. In any case, there is a way out. A mind has a way.

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Every student who wants to clear the competitive exam with good marks. Have you ever given any thought to the meaning of these “Good Marks”?

Want to miss your chance in upcoming competitive exams? If not, avoid the above mistakes. Additionally, adopt a positive attitude while studying for the exam. Believe in your abilities and work hard to achieve your goals.

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