TSPSC Groups Preparation: Tips, Tricks Strategies, and Techniques
TSPSC Groups Preparation: Tips, Tricks Strategies. TSPSC Group-2 and 3 Syllabus is almost the same. Job seekers should adjust it in their favor. By comparing the syllabus of both exams, if you study, you can prepare for both services at the same time.
Good news for Telangana Groups Job Seekers! Telangana State Public Service Commission has released a notification for the TSPSC Group 2, TSPSC Group 3, and TSPSC Group 4 Exams. Similarly, some new jobs have been added in both Group 2 and Group 3 services. There are likely to increase the number of posts! So there are many candidates who are in a dilemma whether they should prepare for these three notifications or it is better to focus completely on Onething. In this regard here’s a special article on TSPSC Groups Preparation.
Group 4 notification has already come with 9,168 posts. The number of posts is huge. So first candidates think to focus on group 4 and own it. Actually, candidates who prepare for Group 1, Group 2, and 3 also have a chance to write Group 4. Along with these, those who are preparing for police jobs and those who are preparing for teacher posts will also compete. The competition will be intense. So the idea that let's target group 4 is not correct. Therefore, experts suggest that while allocating some time a day for the special syllabus in Group 4, the rest of the time should be prepared simultaneously for Groups 2 and 3. Especially for Group 4 the candidates have to do some special preparation. It is suggested that steps taken with a specific strategy can prepare for 3 exams at the same time.

Group 2 and 3 Syllabus is the Same
TSPSC Group-2 and 3 Syllabus is almost the same. Job seekers should adjust it in their favor. By comparing the syllabus of both exams, if you study, you can prepare for both services at the same time. Group-2 will be conducted as four papers and Group-3 as three papers. In group-2, as the fourth paper, the exam will be conducted with the topics of the Telangana movement and the emergence of the state. It is possible to combine these topics with Paper-2 and Paper-3 topics in Group-3.
Taking Stock for Group-2 and 3
Candidates should compare the syllabus of both services first. Get complete clarity on the papers, subjects, and syllabus mentioned in both exams. A plan should be made to study similar topics at the same time and at separate times for different topics. Both have the same syllabus topics. So experts are of the opinion that there is no need to worry much in this regard.

Selection of Books
Group-2 and 3 candidates should focus on book selection after getting clear on the syllabus of both exams. Books containing all syllabus topics related to exams should be collected. There are dozens of books available in the market mainly related to the phases of the Telangana movement. So choose any one or two standard books to avoid confusion. Reading academy books is very useful.
Descriptive Paper
In a descriptive manner, Candidates who choose standard books should read them thoroughly. A comprehensive understanding of a topic should be developed from definition to the latest developments. Both Group-2 and 3 exams will be purely objective mode with multiple choice questions. But candidates should follow the descriptive methods in preparation. While reading, notes should be written so as to gain a complete understanding of the respective topics. A time regime should be followed to study each subject every day.

Connecting the Topics
Candidates should follow a connected approach in Group-2, and 3 preparation. That is the syllabus of both exams should be read combining the common topics. General Studies, Current Affairs, International Relations; Constitution of India can be read by connecting common points like policy, administration, economy, and development.
From National to Local
Group-2 and 3 candidates should develop awareness about everything from national to local topics during preparation. The priority issues of the Telangana region should be addressed. Special attention should be given to the important stages of the Telangana movement, the emergence of Telangana, and the Last phase of the movement. In the same way, one should read all the aspects that inform the social face of Telangana. Literature, arts, poets, institutions, geography, resources, government schemes, and new schemes being implemented after the formation of Telangana should be focused on all these aspects.
Prepare Own Notes
While studying, write down the important points point-wise in your own notes. Special attention should be given to local issues like religions, social classes, tribal issues, and regional issues. Similarly while studying a topic one should study it from all angles. For example, if social classes are taken into consideration, the definition, history of emergence, expansion, and current conditions of those classes should be read. Only then will there be a complete understanding of a subject?

Government Policies
Social issues at the national and state levels; There will be an opportunity to ask questions about the policies of the governments to solve them. Many schemes have been brought to the national level for the empowerment of women. Policies are being formulated for the welfare of minorities, backward classes, and tribals. Similarly, governments are implementing new policies from time to time. They should be studied thoroughly. For example, along with the importance of the new education system, the differences between the education systems brought so far, the current system, the purpose, main points, goals, etc. should be studied in all aspects.
Special focus on Telangana History
More questions are likely to be asked in the exam on topics of special importance to Telangana. So first we need to increase awareness about Telangana policies. It is necessary to know what kind of policies have been brought about in the formation of Telangana and the main demands regarding water, funds, appointments, etc. Awareness should be raised about the new policies being implemented for the respective communities in the state. One should know what schemes have been brought on the policies related to Backward Classes, Minorities, and Scheduled Tribes.
Concentarte on Paper-4
The fourth paper in group-2 should be read with special attention regarding the topics of the Telangana Idea (1948-1970), the Movement Phase (1971-1990), the Telangana Formation Phase, and Emergence (1991-2014)). In particular, as prescribed in the syllabus, the main movements from 1948 to the formation of Telangana state in 2014, agreements, mulki regulations, and the recommendations of the committees appointed by the central government regarding the formation of Telangana state should be understood. In addition, the Reorganization Bill drafted on the occasion of Telangana state formation specifically included items related to Telangana; We should focus on the rights granted to Telangana.

History: As for special topics like Kings in Telangana in relation to history, major battles, treaties, poets-writings in Telangana; the arts; Special attention should be paid to important buildings-the kings who built them, etc. Similarly, awareness should be created about the events involving the Telangana region during the freedom struggle.
In Geography: Important rivers-basins of Telangana; Important crops; Focus should be placed on geographical priority areas and tourist spots. Apart from this, knowledge about Telangana's geography, area, and population is also required.
Economy: Telangana Gross State Product, Important Schemes, 2011 Census; Awareness should be created on important industries-productivity and major sources of revenue of the state. If you take steps with a specific plan from the examination of the syllabus, you will get the opportunity to prepare for Group-2, 3, and 4 at the same time.
In conclusion, preparing for the Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC) Groups exams requires a well-planned approach and dedication. Aspirants should focus on the TSPSC syllabus, solve the previous year's question papers, and take mock tests regularly to assess their progress. Effective time management, note-taking, and self-study techniques can also be helpful in the preparation process. Additionally, staying updated on current affairs and practicing general knowledge can boost the chances of success in the TSPSC Groups exams. With these tips, tricks, strategies, and techniques, aspirants can enhance their preparation and perform well in the TSPSC Groups exams.

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